(updated D31 M08 2024) [pw=pagan word]
We've Been Hellenized:
*Hellenize - to make Greek in character; to
adopt Greek ideas, or customs; to imitate the Greeks. Even Richard
Dawkins the Atheist has been "baptized" into Hellinism. See Dawkins - The Devil Delusion
following words and terms are found in "Churches" and or the corrupted
scriptures today and all have pagan origins. In fact the word "church"
itself is a pagan originated word (see below). We should see
how important the keeping of pagan words such as "church", among
others, was to the Vatican who franchised so-called "salvation" under
the pagan system called "church". They claim there is no salvation
outside of the Gentile Catholic "church" but Gentile /Gentilis means
heathen /pagan. There are no heathens in the Commonwealth of Israel
only converts who obey To'rah and accept the Hebrew Mashiak (pw
Messiah) not a Graeco-Roman Torahless false "Christ". They clearly
teach that there is no salvation outside this thing called "church",
and with indulgences to the "church"
through "money" and other pagan acts of
While we do not follow William Tyndale, we note how he corrected and
removed some of these blatant pagan words that were creeping into the
English translations of scripture. History shows how he was
..."condemned in England, where his work was banned and copies burned.
Catholic officials, prominently Thomas More, charged that Tyndale had
intentionally "mistranslated" the ancient texts in order to promote
anti-clericalism and "heretical" views. They particularly cited his
changes to the terms “church”, “priest”, “do penance” and “charity”. In
the Tyndale translation these were corrected to “congregation”,
“senior” (changed to "elder" in the revised edition of 1534), “repent”
and “love”. In this way Tyndale challenged key corrupt doctrines of the
Roman Church which had crept in, and which were being reinforced
in the feeble minded by through the corruption of scriptural words
which has today continued and increased through the false system called
"church" (Babylon).
Betrayed to church officials
in 1536, he was...turned over to the civil authorities to be strangled
to death and burned at the stake.
( )
It is true that the "church"
system is a "churchianity" religion which worships a day, Sola Deis,
hence they literally call it
As seen in this TD Jakes advert - see yellow highlight bottom
left "Sunday worship". This system opposes Yahuah and His day set aside
which is the Sabbath. See Antisabbath Doctrines
You will hear how these people declare their love for their "church",
their "circe " idol since they hate (reject) Yah'uah's To'rah which
instructs us to come out of such a pagan "circe" / church system.
is no surprise then that this pagan system called "church" would
continue to hold onto its pagan language (Latin) and oppose the true
words of the scripture and contradict the true assembly of believers
who also keep shabbat. Many of their pagan words are found to be
directly linked to ancient Sun-worship found in Babylonian, Egyptian,
Greek, Roman, Teutonic-German, Hindu, and Persian cultures. English
word forms of the names of Sun-deities in these ancient cultures still
exist today and are used in "Christianity" another word that is
blasphemous towards Mashiak Yah'ushua (pw Messiah Jesus). These words
should not be found in our mouths as true believers and are an early
step towards true revival and reformation.
If you
find your own so-called "christian" name/ or first name itself is pagan
(eg Jesus (common in Mexico), Faith or Grace....) it may lead you
to change it. Yah'uah is in the name-changing ministry. Be encouraged
to let him convict you. Many people change their names to hide
their past or for various other reasons, so why not change a pagan name
to something that honors Yah'uah? You may feel that it will offend your
parents but be careful that you are not putting parents above honoring
Yah'ushua and Yah'uah.
Luk 14:26 If any man come to me, and does not love less (KJV BAD TRANSLATION-uses "hate") his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.
Luk 14:27 And whosoever doth not bear his persecution stake, and come after me, cannot be my disciple.
Hosea 2:17
"I will remove the names of the Ba'als from her lips, no longer will their names be invoked," (NIV).
"And I will remove the names of the Ba'als from her mouth, and they shall no more be remembered by their names," (The Scriptures).
"For I will take away the names of Ba'alim out of her mouth, and they shall no more be remembered by their name," (KJV).
is time for the "True Believer" to understand the origin of pagan
words, and how their continued use has adulterated the Everlasting
Covenant between Yah'uah and his children who join themselves to
him in the Commonwealth of Yisrael through his Son Yah'ushua.
Lets begin to use the proper and correct Words, the Words of life,
let's speak the language of the better "country" (see Heb 11:16) that
we look forward to that which is in shamayim (pw heaven) and not words
of this dying world.
Here is the list - we will be adding more words in the future,
Alphabetical Pagan Terms
We ironically begin with an ending word seen in prayers in "christianity".
comes from the name of the Egyptian god of life and procreation; identified with the Sun-god as a supreme deity called "Amen-Ra/Amen-Rah/Rah."
The word A-men, is usually associated with the closing of prayer. Many people (not knowing better) will usually pronounce this word as "A" sounding like the word "Ape" plus "men." This is error. Among the gods who were known to the Egyptians in very early times were "Amen" and his consort Ament. Their names are found in the Pyramid Texts, e.g., Unas, line 558, where they are mentioned immediately after the pair of gods Nau and Nen, and in connection with the twin Lion-gods Shu and Tefnut, who are described as the two gods who made their own bodies, and with the goddess Temt, the female counterpart of Tem.
* Aw-mane. A-MN) Hebrew ,
this word is pronounced in Hebrew like "Aw" in the word "awesome" plus
"mane" pronounced like the word "Mane" (the hair on the back of the
neck of a horse)
( does not pay homage to a pagan god. Is an expression or affirmation of firmness and support.
Some translations have restored the pronunciation as Aw-mane by writing it as Aměn.
from Greek Word "Angelos" meaning "messenger/messengers. Angelos was the name of a Greek god associated with Sun-worship.
* Malakh/Malakhim from Hebrew word meaning "messenger/messengers;" has no association with Sun-worship.
Mat 22:30 For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the malakhim (pw angels) of Elohim (pw God) in shamayim (pw heaven).
True malakhim
of Yah'uah appear as men never women or babies (blasphemous pagan
cupids etc). anything else is a familiar spirit (demon charading as
something else). Angel(os) worship is big in catholicism and Hollywood
(Touched by an angel). Angels (demons) command gullible people to do
all kinds of things which are contrary to Yah'uah's commands.
Shaul has warned of false malakhim (angels) preaching a false message
(pw gospel) of salvation which is contrary to the commandments
(To'rah). It comes with a serious warning of being cursed ie damned to
gehenna (pw hell)
Gal 1:8 But though we, or an malakh (pw angel) from shamayim (pw heaven), preach any other good message (pw gospel/God spell) unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
Mashiak ( pw Messiah) has told us what the good message should be that is preached - it is all about the teaching and doing of the commands of Yah'uah
Mat28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amein.
Jn 15:10 If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father’s commandments, and abide in his love.
Fake Mary's (demons) from "heaven" have no authority to contradict the
scriptures and commands of Yah'uah - you will not abide in the love of
Yah'uah and will be damned if you follow satan's messengers.
2 Cor 11:14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an malakh (pw angel) of light.
Baal (Bel, Babel, Babylon)
are all interrelated words pertaining to chief Sun-deities of pagan Sun-worship. Baal means to "shine," also used for "Lord / husband." Bel is another name for Satan. Babylon was the ancient Canaanite city and Nimrod is considered the leader who built the Tower of Babel in the land of Shinar. This is where Sun-worship began and from there spread to all ancient cultures of the world and remains in the world
today as the counterfeit religion of Satan under the guise of the Roman Catholic Church and its off-shoot religions (daughters) including Christianity.
2:17 "And I will remove the names of the Ba'als from her mouth,
and they shall no more be remembered by their names,"
comes from the Greek word "Biblos/Biblion" which refers to the Egyptian papyrus reed which the Greeks called "Byblos/Byblus." The papyrus reed was shipped from the Egyptian City "Biblis" named after its female Sun-deity. It was imported through the Greek seaport called "Byblos" named after its Phoenician Sun-deity "Byblis/Byblos" believed to be the granddaughter of Apollo, the Greek Sun-deity. NOTE: The word "Bible" was only first used in 400 AD!
* "The
Scripture" can be used without any reference to pagan worship. or
use the Hebrew kathab - something written ie a writing record or book
(see Daniel 10:21)
still to be added
still to be added
(see also Chaplain)
"Chapel is ultimately derived from the Late Latin word cappa,
meaning "cloak." How did we get from a garment to a building? The
answer to this question has to do with a shrine created to hold the
sacred [another pagan word see sacred] cloak of St. Martin of Tours. In
Medieval Latin, this shrine was called "cappella" (from a diminutive of
cappa meaning "short cloak or cape") in reference to the relic
it contained. Later, the meaning of "cappella" broadened to include any
building that housed a sacred relic, and eventually to a place of
worship. Old French picked up the term as "chapele," which in turn
passed into English as "chapel" in the 13th century. In case you are
wondering, the term a cappella, meaning "without instrumental
accompaniment," entered English from Italian, where it literally means
"in chapel style." ( Merriam Webster)
The oldest Masonic Lodge existing is called St Mary's Chapel
and is not a place of worship. Even Masons know the real meaning of
"chapel". The Cistene chapel houses pagan relics of idolatry The
church in general has become a cloak to secret societies.
"Most of the churches in Rome have special Chapels of Relics that
religious and sacred relics belonging to the Catholic Church... a relic
can be anything ranging from body parts of saints, remains of the
[so-called] True Cross [see cross] or even just a
piece of cloth that has been rubbed against the tomb of a saint. Most
relics are openly displayed in Rome and people can visit and see them
with little restrictions...Rome has made these relics to attract many
viewers who pay a small fee to see them." (
We do
not worship relics and we are not hiding under the cloak of religion
while practicing heresy, paganism or capes we are not Roman pagans and
we flee from this idolatry - Conclusion: scrap the word "chapel".
Chaplain (see also Chapel)
"Middle English chapelein, from Anglo-French, from Medieval Latin cappellanus, from cappella" Meriam Webster, see Chapel.
see "Grace"
Christ / Christian
from the Greek word "Christos" supposedly meaning "anointed / anointed
one," and
was used in the pagan Greek and Roman religions to give reference to
their Sun-god, "Helios." Roman Emperor Constantine worshiped "Christos
Helios" which means "Christ-The-True-Sun." Christos originates from the
Greek word "Chrestos" which means "good" and alludes to the Greek /
Roman god "Chrestos." "Chrestos" can be seen on a Mithras (Roman cult)
relief in the Vatican. "Chrestos" as reverenced by Greeks and Romans
was none other than "Osiris," a Sun-deity of Egypt. Heretic gnostics
during the time of circulation of so-called "New Testament" scriptures
also used the title of "Christos" for their purposes. Christian comes
from the Greek word meaning "good men," but was derogatorily applied in
mockery to Mashiach's (pw Messianic) believers because they worshiped
"Mashiach of Yhsr El (pw annointed one of Israel)" and not the
"anointed" Greek god "Chrestos."
The word "Christian" only
appears in the scriptures thrice and "Christianity"
does not appear at all.
The greatest deception by the Catholic "church" in translation has led
to the acceptance of "Christian" being the title for people like Shaul
(Paul) and believers who worship Yah'uah when it is not! For
a full explanation see our full article: Do You Really Want to be Called a Christian?
* Instead of "Christ" we should use Mashiach / Messiah / Messianic the
proper Hebrew words in reference to the "anointed one" of Yah'uah,
Yah'ushua Ha Mashiach, (Yah'ushua, The Messiah), Son of Yah'uah, our
Savior. The English term Messianic comes from the title "Messiah" and
pertains to followers of the "Messiah" of Israel who worship Yah'uah,
and abide in His Word (To'rah).
* Instead of "Christian" we who are Yahudim, true worshipers of
Yah(uah), should use "disciple" (Hebrew talmidim) of Mashiak (pw
Messiah) Yahushua or "Natsarim"
(see Who are the Natsarim )
25th of December was the largest pagan festival dedicated to the birthday of the Sun-god deity celebrated by the Mithras (Roman) religion known as "The Nativity of the Sun." Mithraism was the major rival of the true disciples of Mashiak (pw Messiah) in 321 AD. For much more see Saving Christmas ?
from the Anglo-Saxon root word "circe," and stems from the Greek name
of the goddess "Circe," the daughter of "Helios," the Roman Sun-god adopted from
Greek mythology. Linked
to this goddess in Celtic pagan worship is the name "Kirce." From her
name comes the word "kirch" which pertained to the building dedicated
to pagan Celtic worship and rituals. The Greek word "kuriakon" was used
for the building or "house of Kurios (Lord)." For more see The Circus Called Church.
At the end of this description I prove how the Vatican (Babylon)
demonstrates in 5 mintues that she is the Great Circus (church) or
Circus Maximus with the Pope as the Ring Master.
The connection between church and circus and kurios
is astoundingly
clear. The modern day popular circus Cirque du Soleil,
meaning Circus of the Sun or Sun Circus (ie Circe goddess and Sun
worship, SUNday church worship) clearly makes a link to kurios (Lord)
in its production "Kurios". The pagan system worships this Lord/Baal
(kurios) in the kuriakon or "church" all connected to Sun
* "Kahal" or "Kehelat" are the proper Hebrew words pertaining to a
public place of assembly or congregational place of worship dedicated
to Yah'uah. "Ekklesia" is the Greek word used in the Brit Chadasha/
Renewed Everlasting Covenant (falsely called New Testament) for the
assembly of the "called out ones," but is never used in reference to a building, only
denoting the people who have assembled.
Revelations specfically refers to the people of Yah'uah who are
called out of Babylon, the spiritual harlot "church" clearly headed
under Rome's Vatican and World Council of "churches". The Roman Vatican
makes his home at the Circus Maximus the place of Sun Worship where
martyrs were killed for entertainment under Roman rule.
The late heretical Tor'ahless, calvinist, once-saved-always-saved
trinitaraian preacher Charles Spurgeon knew or satan boasted through
him that "circe" root word for circus and church would be increasingly
revealed as one and the same thing and the people would lap it up as
goats in the future.
Vatican demonstrates in 5 minutes that her Harlot "Church" is indeed the Great Circus or Circus Maximus
This took place in the reptilian-shaped Vatican Audience Hall. "Aqua" appears to be the theme, perhaps the counterfiet that blasphemes Yahushua, the Living Water (aqua vitae). The Pope is indeed entertaining the goats.
used as a symbol of the Babylonian / Chaldean Sun-god, the mystical
"Tau." The original form of the "T" became the emblem of the
Greek/Roman Sun-god "Tammuz." Easter (Eostre) buns contain the
Tammuz cross.
From another source : “The Tau, T, is the emblem of mercury, of
Hermes. It is the crux ansata and the crux HermisD. . . the crux
Tau was also the emblem of the generative power, of eternal
transmigrating life, and thus was used indiscriminately with the
Phallus. It was, in fact, the phallus. The Tau is the
Thoth, the Teut, the Teutates of the Druids; and Teutates was Mercury.
. .” Godfrey Higgins, Anacalypsis, An Attempt to Draw Aside the
Veil of the Saitic Isis (London England: n.;, 1874) Crosses were also
seen in ancient Chaldea.
Pagan Mega "Church" Durban Christian Centre (Jesus Dome) South Africa (home of Benny Hinn's so-called "apostle") burnt down recently after many rebukes by believers challenging them from the scriptures. The still-standing, lit up, pagan cross partly hidden behind the tree, in an ironic twist, reveals its original pagan roots, the "T" for Tau and Tammuz. There is no such thing as a "holy cross". The torture stake (stauros) was a curse which Mashiak (pw Messiah) endured for our torah trsnagressions (pw sins). Another lit cross on top of their Jesus Dome is believed to have caused the fire - is Yahuah saying something?
Exo 20:4-5 “You do not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of that which is in shamayim (pw heavens) above, or which is in the earth beneath, or which is in the waters under the earth, you do not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, יהוה your Elohim am a jealous Ěl, visiting the crookedness of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me,
comes from the Latin word "Crux" and only appears in the Roman Catholic translation of the Greek manuscripts called the Roman Vulgate. The Greek language did not have a word for "crucify" or "crucifixion." The Greek word used in the manuscripts was "stauros" which implied "impaled on a pole or stake" not a cross. The true Mashiak (pw Messiah) Yah'ushua was equated to the bronze serpent on a pole being lifted up before all men. That serpent was not on a cross but a pole.
Late 16th century (originally as croisade ): from French croisade, an alteration (influenced by Spanish cruzado ) of earlier croisée, literally ‘the state of being marked with the cross (see Cross),’ based on Latin crux, cruc- ‘cross’; in the 17th century the form crusado, from Spanish cruzado, was introduced; the blending of these two forms led to the current spelling, first recorded in the early 18th century. Millions killed in the name of the false religion christianity /catholicism. Word still used in christianity eg "Billy Graham Crusades" Kenneth Hagin Ministries Living Faith Crusade such word in scripture.
Divine/Divinity, Deity, Theos
are all related words. The Greek words "dios" and "Theos," and the Latin word "deus" all refer to pagan gods: Greek "Dieus/Zeus, Teutonic-Germanic "Ziu," Roman "Diovis/Jovis/ Jupiter/Zeus were all names for Sun-god deities that "shine, have brightness."
The statement "Jesus is Divine" indicates the false pagan
Jesus/J-Zeus sun god deity of Christian syncretism. Yahushua is not
"divine" and neither is His Father Yahuah as He is not a Sun-god deity.
Yahuah is the Creator of the sun and the Creator of HIs Son Yahushua
who is the first begotten and last Adam. (see Why Yahushua is not Elohim).
a pagan goddess related to Fate
Is 65:11 But ye are they that forsake Yah'uah, that forget my set apart (pagan word -holy) mountain, that prepare a table for that troop(1408) , and that furnish the drink offering unto that number (04487)
1408 Gad gad a variation of 1409; Fortune, a Babylonian deity:--that troop. see HEBREW for 01409
4507 Mniy men-ee' from 4487; the Apportioner, i.e. Fate (as an idol):--number. see HEBREW for 04487
[ Also described as Destiny by some ]
Destiny is a very popular word nowadays in the modern"church" system eg
Joseph Prince - Author of "Destined to Reign". (See Joseph
Prince the Deceiver)
Destiny implies that one is powerless to change -very useful for those
that teach one is destined to enter a "heaven" no matter if one sins
after receiving atonement. The Destiny goddess is made to appear
greater than Yah'uah's righteous judgement and thus is
blasphemous. Also used by the Calvin "church" movement with its
heretical teaching of pre-destination as opposed to the pure word which
has a different meaning altogether. One should not lose sight of the
fact that this is not a modern idea. The 1800's Christian preacher
Charles Spurgeon (a Calvinist) was an ardent supporter of destiny or
predestination. (What does scripture teach? See Take the OSAS challenge)
* Use "ordain" (Hebrew asah, Greek diatasso, tasso, krino - various
meanings: to appoint, command, to fulfill, to bring to pass,
predetermine, thoroughly arrange in an oderly manner, prescribe,
assign, punish, esteem, call in question etc... (relates to the will
and purposes of Yah'uah rather than the pagan purpose of a Destiny
Also may use future/ end (Hebrew akhareeth).
originated from the pagan festival in honor of "Eostre,"(East Shining) a Teutonic-Germanic dawn, spring and fertility (rabbits)-goddess. "Eostre" comes from the Greek dawn, spring and fertility-goddess named "Eos." This same dawn, spring and fertility-goddess "Eostre" was also known as "Eastre" and "Ostara," and dates back to the ancient Babylonian/Canaanite cultures where she was known as "Astarte" (Ashtaroth/Ashtoreh poles). In Ninevah, this same goddess was known as "Ishtar" pronounced the same as "Easter"! The idolatrous worship of this goddess revered as the "Queen of Heaven" is mentioned in the Hebrew Scriptures in Jeremiah 7:18. The worship of this "goddess" spread throughout all the cultures of the world. She is found in India as the Hindu dawn-goddess "Usha / Ushas," and in Western cultures and religions of today, including Christianity, called "Easter."Pagan "church" loves to have a SUNrise Easter (East Shining) service with Easter buns with Tammuz crosses upon them. The fact that the Hebrew word Pesach (Passover) or in Greek "pascha" was replaced with a pagan Babylonian word "Easter" in the King James (Acts 12:4) shows the blatant audacity of Christian tradition trying to undermine the Tor'ah of Yah'uah. It will not go unpunished. Easter has nothing to do with the appointed feast (Pesach) of Yahuah hence the Catholic/ Christian method of determining Easter's date is according to a full moon and not according to the command of Yahuah which is by the new moon for each month from the beginning of the year (month Abib). The beginning of the year is also determined by the ripe barley and fom which Abib gets its name. Some years will have 12 months and others may thus have 13 if the barley is not ripe.
The disgusting
fertility idol on the left is an example of the pagan syncretism of
Christianity seen on "churches" in the 12th centruy mainly in England
and Britain (Joanne McMahon and Jack
Roberts: the carvings are remnants of a pre-Christian fertility or mother goddess religion- Wikipedia.) It merely
reflects the same disgusting practices it continues with in the form of
Easter today.
England was converted from Norse paganism to Christianity in the 7th
century, Scandinavia in the 10th century. The Germanic/Norse religion
gradually disappeared after this, although Christianity absorbed
some of its external features, such as the name and popular customs of
Easter." (
taken from the goddess Fides. This goddess is worshiped in Christianity as she becomes the sole means of salvation as popularised by Martin Luther in the 1500s Protestant Reformation and thus the pagan slogan "Faith Alone" was born. See our article Faith Alone? In this way the person justified by their false Mashiak (pw Messiah) does not need to have any active response or moral conviction by obedience to Yah'uah but merely relies on a lie that goddess Fides /Faith secures their salvation similar to goddess Destiny, Grace or Fate regardless of their own actions (sin versus righteousness). Fides seen here depicted on a throne of worship with a pagan cross in another pagan octagon and with pagan blasphemous angelos (see angels).
*use "moral conviction" or Hebrew word "emunah".
"Faith" is often confused with words like religion, truth, trust, belief which are not the same.
Fish Symbol
used as a derogatory slur against Mashiak (pw Messiah) in conjunction
with using the word "christos" as a mockery of "Mashiak (pw Messiah)." Originally
used as a symbol for the Greek fish-deity "Dagon" labeled with the
phrase that made up the mystical name of "ICTHUS" which was one of the
names of the Greek/Roman Sun-god called "Bacchus/Dionysus/Tammuz," the
symbol became a slur against the Mashiak followers and then found on
synagogues and artifacts. The five Greek letters of "ICTHUS" mean
"Iesous Christos Theou Uios Soter" translated as "Jesus Christ the Son
of God the Savior" and reverenced by the Roman Catholic Church. The
irony is that this "Jesus/Iesous" is supposed to mean "saviour" but
does not contain "soter" as can be seen in this very same phrase
referring to him as the saviour/soter. It is clear then that the phrase
is a useless slur in any case since the name used does not even refer
to salvation. "Iesous" is the name adapted from the name of the Greek
goddess of healing "Iesos/Iaso," the daughter of Apollo, the Sun-deity
linked to the Egyptian goddess "Isis" who had a son "Isu."
Some believe the idea that the fish was used referring to the term used
by Mashiak (pw Messiah) "fishers of men". However that is absurd since
Yah'ushua's mission was fishing for men and not
fish. Others have claimed it was a secret sign between
"christians" during the time of persecution however it would seem
absurd to be making ellaborate fish symbols advertising places of
so-called secret worship with crosses on them and for all to see in
visibly obvious and ellaborate"churches"; not much of a secret there.
Others have contended that it represents the miracle of the two fish
and five loaves of bread with which Mashiak (pw Messiah) fed the five
thousand. If that were a fixed secret symbol then we should expect to
always see five
loaves and two fish but we do not. Instead here we see four Eostre /
Easter buns and two fish.
Another more likely connection can be seen with Dagon (Dag=fish
the fish god and sun worship, as worshiped by Nimrod and
the papacy with the Dagon / fish mouth mitre etc. (for more see Mitre) If
such a symbol were to be used by disciples of Yah'ushua it would
have been commanded by Yah'uah but it is not! It is a pagan invention
like the cross.
The fish could actually even be dolphins as there is little difference in the rudimentary drawings here both having gills. Note how similar the stele are in shape. At first glance it looks like a fish. This was discovered in the Meditarranean and identified as a dolphin and a fertility goddess depicted above. Dolphins were a sign of fertility thus connecting again with the Eostre /Easter goddess and buns elsewhere. Later the next fertility symbol would of course also be embraced by the "church" in the form of the Easter / Eostre bunny.
Finally we also see Apollo the Sun god with rather out of place fish (?? or badly drawn dolphins). Apollo was the deity that the so-called Christian Constantine worshiped and began to emulate. He was no worshiper of Yah'uah who rules against pagan gods. He was certainly not a Yahuda worshiper of Yah(uah).
Yes he was indeed a proud pagan and Christianity's paganism is largely due to his promotion of it by syncretism (mixing pagan with set apart (pw holy)) For more see Constantine Exposed .
The three in one icthus (pagan trinity) is used in a wheel marking pagan wiccan festivals of which christianity often takes part in eg Yule / Christ Mass. (see Saving Christmas).
see Dawkins - Devil DelusionGlory
comes from the Latin word "gloria" which is identified with the Sun as being radiant, shining, brilliant, bright as the sun.
Funk & Wagnalls, New Standard Dictionary of the English Language meaning of "glory":
religious symbolism, the complete representation of an emanation of
light from the person of a sanctified being consisting of the aureole
and the nimbus...The quality of being radiant or shining; brilliancy
brightness; luster; as the glory of the sun;" and further on, "A
sunburst; any ring of light; a halo" see halo.
John Ogilvie The Comprehensive English Dictionary: "splendour, as of the sun."
And most revealing:
Webster's New International Dictionary: "glory
is the general term for the aureola and the nimbus"—aureola being the
halo or ring round the sun, and nimbus being the sun-disc."
(see "Halo")
This meaning, as well as the word itself, would be acceptable if the
commonly used Hebrew words of the Old Testament, and the Greek word
doxa, have had the same meaning of sun-radiance or circles of light.
However, we do not find any trace of sun-radiance or emanation of light
in any of these Hebrew words, nor in the Greek doxa. This is once again
sun-worship as seen in thousands of depictions of the fake Mashiak
(pagan word Mashiak), Mary and the catholic so-called saints ,
encircled with radiant circles
What are the meanings then
of the Scriptural Hebrew words? Kabad means honour, dignity or esteem
in its figurative sense, as well as weight, in its literal sense. Pa'ar
means repute. Halal means praiseworthiness or praise. Adar and hadar
means to make great. Tipharah means repute. Shavak means to esteem. The
Greek word doxa simply means opinion, estimation, esteem, repute or
dignity, coming from the verb dokeo, which means "to seem".
Thus, the ecclesiastical symbolic meaning of the word "glory", being that of radiance or emanation of light as from the sun, is totally un-Scriptural. It is strong evidence of the Church's solarisation of our Messiah and of His Father. The Church identified Elohim with the Sun deity, which was the prevailing deity of the Roman emperors, the Roman capital and its empire.
There is also apparently
"proof of "glory" (gloria) as having been a Roman goddess, discovered
in the form of an icon personified by a woman, the upper part of her
body almost naked, holding a circle on which are the zodiac signs.
Pauly-Wissowa also defines Gloria as a personification of fame, the
word being found very frequently on the coins of Constantine and his
successors. Besides the frequent occurrence of the word Gloria on the
coins, the image of this goddess is found on two coins, one of
Constantius II and one of Constantine II.
We should therefore eliminate the word "glory" from our religious vocabulary for three reasons:
1) We have been commanded in Exod. 23:13 to "make no mention of the names of other mighty ones, nor let it be heard from your mouth"—especially in our worship, applying these names to the One we love, and His Son.
2) The concept of the word "glory" in religious symbolism, as we read in Funk & Wagnalls Dictionary, is that of the emanation or radiance of light, as of the sun. This is proof of the solarisation of our beloved Saviour, identifying Him, as well as His Father, with the Sun-deity.
3) The Hebrew words, as well as Greek word doxa, do not carry the meaning of sun-radiance or sunlight at all. Therefore the word "glory" is an incorrect rendering of those words.
What then should we use instead of the word "glory"? Simply what the Hebrew words and the Greek word mean: "esteem", or "high esteem" or "repute". These words carry the meaning of the Scriptural words and do not stem from the names of deities as far as we know, and should be used wherever our versions have "glory".
*Splendour /splendid, honour / honorable are
better words.
Gad, Gud are all interrelated names. God was a common Teutonic-Germanic
word that was applied to "super earthly beings" of heathen mythologies.
Later the word "God" was adopted by Christianity as the generic name
for the Supreme Being. It has become the most popular translation for
the Hebrew word "Elohim." As a result, most of Christendom believes
that the Name for Elohim is "God" and does not know that the personal
Name of the Father is Yah'uah from the 4 Hebrew letters or
tetragrammaton as commonly known. Gad was the Babylonian / Canaanite /
Syrian deity of "Good Luck" or "Fortune" (Gad/God still worshiped on
the dollar bill representing "Fortune"). Gad also called "Meni," the
god of "Destiny" who was regarded as the "Lord Moon." (Moon/Mene/Meni
>>>Money see Money)
The city of Gad was named after this deity. Gad was identified with
Jupiter, the Sun-deity, and applied to Nimrod whose general character
was that of a Sun-god or Sun-divinity. Gud was the Anglo-Saxon name for
"good god" vs. an "evil god.
" If the
original Indo-European
word for 'god' is 'Dyeus' and it's derivations, Indic 'devata', Latin
'deus' & Greek 'theos', how did Germanic languages ended up with
the word 'god/gott'?
Michał Pietrusiński (
Studied Linguistics & Historical Linguistics at University of
Bergen (Graduated 2015) explains:
The Greek word is similarly unrelated; the Greek cognate to deus is
Zeus. Cognates to theos are found in Armenian, Phrygian and Latin, but
not always have the same sense. The
Germanic cognate to deus got similarly specialised in meaning to denote
a particular god — Tyr. Various other continuants of this word in many
Indo-European languages suggest that it referred to a deity associated
with skies, day and/or light. God, on the other hand, originally likely
meant „the one that is invoked, called for” and may have originated as
a taboo expression to avoid using the original word for god."
Of course using a title that means "one that is invoked" does not make it any less taboo. Hear it from a pagan themselves.
By Patti Wigington
Updated on March 17, 2017
common question that comes up in modern Wiccan and Pagan practice is
that invoking a deity, as opposed to evoking the deity. The words are
similar, as are their meanings, but they are not interchangeable by any
To evoke a deity or being is to call
upon it and ask it to join you during ritual or a working. Sometimes
this involves simply asking (“Hail, Ares, we ask you to join us in the
circle tonight!”) or making an offering (“Great Brighid, we offer you
this bread as a gift of thanks!”) in hopes that the deity will turn up.
Regardless, evoking is an external involvement with the deity or being.
Invoking, on the other hand, is a
form of voluntary possession. When you invoke a deity or being, you’re
not asking it to come hang out, you’re inviting into yourself, and that
god or goddess will manifest through a human host. The ritual of
Drawing Down the Moon is an excellent example of invocation of deity.
Typically, if you’re new to spiritual
practices such as Wicca or Paganism, most people will advise you to
hold off on invoking deity until you’ve learned enough to have a good
handle on what’s happening. It may be a good idea to focus instead on
evoking, and communing with the gods, before you go inviting them to
take control of you, even if it is just on a temporary basis."
* El/Eloah/Elohim are the proper Hebrew terms in the singular "El/Eloah" meaning "Mighty One" and plural "Elohim" meaning "Mighty Ones." NOTE: Traditional Rabbinical Judaism still uses the substitute titles of "Adonai, HaShem, G-d" for the Name יהוה (YHUH) Yahuah. Even though the four letters known in Greek as the "Tetagrammaton" appear in the Scrolls, the tradition of not speaking the name Yah'uah came into being during the Rabbis' exile into Babylon. It was learned from the Babylonian religious practice of not speaking the names of their Sun-deities for fear that their names were too set apart, (pw holy) and would bring disaster on their nation if they did so. The practice of not speaking the name, hiding it from the people, and substituting titles for the name is called the "art of ineffability" and is based purely on fear, superstition, and man-made tradition. The lack of proclaiming his true name is prophesied by Yah'uah through his prophet Amos as a sign of those who are backslidden. The false reilgions of Christianity and Judaism are thus generally fulfilling that prophesy today. They will fight tooth and nail to use "Hashem","the Name", "the Lord", "God", "G-d" rather than Yah'uah (YHUH) and argue that it makes no difference even though Yah'uah has commanded what his name must and must not be. (For more see His Name).

…is derived from the Anglo-Saxon godspell (“good story”). Britannica
Even the Broadway musical makes fun of this word. The irony is of course that the GodSpell or Gospel is indeed the one that supposedly includes everbody ( Rome's universal/Catholic way) and makes it appear easy to "get into heaven" yet still remaining pagans and transgressors of Yahuah's Torah. Mother Theresa said : we make Muslims better Muslims, she did not teach the way to salvation which is only through redemption in Yahushua and obedience to the Torah. This is the Broad Way indeed that leads to destruction whereas the proper word "besorah" [Hebew] or good message preached by Yahushua (falsely called Jesus) is the narrow way that leads to eternal life and FEW there are that find it. See Have You Heard the True Good Message?
comes from the Greek word "charis," and the Latin word "gratia."
"Charis" was a Greek deity depicted here in the centre , the wife of
Vulcan. From the goddess "Charis" comes the Greek "Charities," three
female deities, daughters of "Helios," the Greek/Roman high Sun-god
(Chrestos Helios cult). The "charis"matic movement
has SUN worship as its centre through SUNday worship). The Sun worship
cult of the eu-charis-t
bears the Sun disc depcited in the next image. (For more see Transubstantiation
How Low can You Go?)
* Kindness or favor are better words both
in English, and can be used without reference to paganism.
Hebrew often uses more specific words for various occasions. Piety towards Yah'uah=
Chesed (kheh-sed) gratitude -favour from us who are inferior to
Yah who is superior. This form of favour or kindness to Yah'uah is the
one that is most often not taught or ignored.
Chanan (pronounced khaw-nan) Yah'uah's favour (gift) reaching down to
us who are inferior eg. unmerited favour or kindness ( this type is
taught as the only one and falsely named "grace" by false "church"
teachers eg Joseph Prince (makes Catholic allusions to "our Mother is
Grace" or Jesus is Grace- no such doctrine in scripture). It is falsely
taught as being received without limit and without any mention of what
kindness we are to show in return to Yah'uah and his Son- namely
gratitude in the form of love and obedience -see
2 Peter 3:18 "Chanan" (pw Grace in KJV) here is defined
in Strong's Greek as
5485 charis khar'-ece from 5463; graciousness (as gratifying), of manner or act (abstract or concrete; literal, figurative or spiritual; especially the divine influence upon the heart, and its reflection in the life; including gratitude):--acceptable, benefit, favour, gift, grace(- ious), joy, liberality, pleasure, thank(-s, -worthy). see GREEK for 5463
Favour (gift /kindness )from Yah'uah is meant to result in reciprocal
gratitude towards Yah'uah by way of righteous living. I t is not
Is 26:10 Let favour (chanan) be shewed to the wicked, yet will he not learn righteousness.
Sending his own Son to die and suffer is the ultimate kindness / favour of Yah'uah yet false "grace" / "charis" results in the sinful false religion of "Christianity" which hates Yah's To'rah and causes the error of lawlessness /To'rahlessness.
comes from the Greek / Roman Sun-god "Helios." Romans applied the word "gloria" to be a sunburst or ring of light around the head of "Helios." The use of halos around the heads of malakim (pw angels), the Madonna and Son, and Catholic saints has been extremely popular in paintings, artwork, and statuary connected to the Roman Catholic religion for centuries. The Roman Catholic Church still uses the "gloria" sunburst in the Eucharist.
a pagan deity, a word used in the modern corrupted translations eg Modern King James Version etc the word happy is not in the original
"" The Religion of Ancient Egypt, by Samuel A.B. Mercer:
The river NILE was deified under the form of its ANCIENT NAME HAPI (h'pi) or Hep* (hp).
It was thought that HAPI dwelt in a grotto on the Island of Bigeh, in the Nile...There is extant an interesting HYMN OF THANKSGIVING TO HAPI, and the books of the Nile-god are referred to.
As a water and vegetation-god, HAPI WAS IDENTIFIED WITH OSIRIS, Hapi being the Nile and Osiris the fertilizing virtues of the river (PT 2063). The Nile was said to have come forth from the sweat of the hands of OSIRIS, and the soul of Osiris was revived by water flowing from the breast of the MALE-FEMALE HAPI and from a vase in his left hand....(Luzac & Co., London. 1949, p. 185).Samuel Mercer explains that --
He was worshiped, no doubt, as early as the first prehistoric settlements on the banks of the Nile, and, although no regular organized liturgical cult of Hapi is known, offerings were made to him for his aid and blessing during the periods of inundations. Out of that developed the regular FESTIVALS OF THE NILE...such as those of Rameses II, when many kinds of offerings were made TO HAPI, and later the festival of the annual rise of the Nile was celebrated throughout Egypt with great solemnity. Still later, Heliodorus Aeth. X, I, speaks of an offering to the Nile and a festival (ib., IX, 9). The early Church Fathers refer to the worship of the waters of the Nile, and the festival of the Nile is celebrated even in our own day. We have reference to several temples which were DEDICATED TO HAPI, at Nilopolis, Heliopolis, and Memphis. -- Ibid., p. 186.
In discussing the hymn of thanksgiving to Hapi (mentioned in the above quote) historian Miriam Lichtheim makes the following comments: "HAPY, the personified inundating Nile, AROUSED FEELINGS OF THANKFUL EXUBERANCE which inspired some fine poetry. Pyramid Text 581 speaks of the 'meadows laughing when the riverbanks are flooding,' and the great hymn [to HAPI]...has woven the reactions of the people to the annual miracle of the inundation into a highly effective composition, which was much admired by the Egyptians, as the numerous text copies attest....The god HAPY did not have a regular temple-cult. But there were FESTIVALS IN HIS HONOR, at which hymns were undoubtedly sung" (Ancient Egyptian Literature. Vol. 1: The Old and Middle Kingdoms. University of California Press, Los Angeles, 1975, pps. 204-205).
Here, in this very quote, we find a textbook dictionary definition of the word "happy" -- "feelings of thankful exuberance"! This, my friends, is where the modern English word "happy" comes from -- ancient Egypt and HAPI, the god of the Nile! "
reference "Should You Wish People Happy Birthday" by D Keyser
*We Note the alternate for this god Happy is also Hep. While the word "hep" in English is defined as "used to mark a marching cadence" it was only first seen 1899 and is said to have an unkown origin. There have been many theories of its origin including the antisemitic Hieroslyma est perdita’, which means “Jerusalem is fallen” or “Jerusalem is lost”. This was later shortened by Germanic tribes fighting Jews to “Hep Hep Hu-raj” ( However we propose the mystery god Hapy or Hep is obviously the clear hidden meaning needing no shortening and is clearly still used in more than one way today. The first being in the pagan birthday ritual or greeting Happy birthday (secretly praising the pagan god) and the second of Hep Hep Hurray. Again the pronoun is used clearly praising the Happy or Hep god as clearly depicted in this booklet "Spoken English for Fillipino Learners 1 3rd Edition 2003"
This is another reason why birthdays are not commanded in scripture. They are pagan and offend (corrupt) the little ones.
lexicographer Jesse Sheidlower, the terms
"hep" became "hip" which means "with it", "in the know" or "aware" , thus we have "hippie" one who is with the pagan world under Hep/Hapy/Osiris as confirmed byhipster and hippie derive from the word hip and the synonym hep,
Here we see the hippies or Hep worshipers of Osiris or Hapi, Jim Morrison and the Doors
* rather use the pure Hebrew eh-sher or baruch'd (pw blessed)
Holy, Holiday, Holy Spirit
all interrelated and come from the Hindu religion. The words are
derived from "Holi" which is the great Hindu spring festival held in
honor of "Krishna," the Hindu Sun-god.
* Kodesh is
the proper Hebrew word meaning to be separately ordained pertaining to the things of Yah'uah, including His
invisible presence. Purified is also acceptable but kodesh
specifically refers to being purified by Yah'uah not by the "church".
Hence Shabbat the seventh day is kodesh or ordained as a separate day
for us it is the sign that it is He the Creator who purifies us and we
rest on that day.
* Ruach Ha Kodesh is the proper Hebrew reference to the Ruach/Breath or the Spirit, the invisible presence of Yah'uah. It is the set-apart presence of Yah'uah.
Was the Greek supreme deity of the underworld and also known as a Sun-deity. The word "Hades" became used for the word "grave," and is usually mistranslated as "hell" by translators.
Sheol is the proper Hebrew word for the "grave" or world of the dead
where the dead sleep and know nothing (Ecc 9:5) ( until their
resurrection at the end. The wicked are resurrected to be destroyed and
the righteous will be resurrected to eternal life (Dan 12:2).
from the description of the pagan English fall festival of Halloween or
Hallow-even. The festival portrays the Sun-image of the "KromKrauch"
who was worshiped at this seasonal festival.
* Purify is the right word to use eg our
"Father in shamayim (pw heaven) purifed be your name". Can also use
"morally separate".
Possibly connected to the invention of Hel the Scandinavian pagan giant goddess of the underworld. She is supposed to be half black and half white and lives in the hall Eliudnir ("Sprayed with Snowstorms") in Helheim (the world of the dead), where she is served by male Ganglati ("Tardy") and female Ganglot ("Tardy"). According to Snorri "her dish is Hunger, her knife is Famine, her slave is Lazy, and Slothful is her woman servant." Her bed is named Sick Bed, and her bed curtains Gleaming Disaster. It is interesting to note how many cathedrals have black and white tiled floors.
* Gehenna is the correct word to use for the place or state of everlasting punishment where the wicked are burnt, destroyed both soul and body and the fire is not put out as they are completely destroyed in the same way garbage was burnt in the valley of Hinnom.
Gehenna : Of Hebrew origin ([H1516] and [H2011]); valley of (the son of) Hinnom; gehenna (or Ge-Hinnom), a valley of Jerusalem, used (figuratively) as a name for the place (or state) of everlasting punishment
C.1000, from Old French ymne and Old English ymen, both from Latin hymnus "song of praise," from Greek hymnos "song or ode in praise of gods or heroes," used in Septuagint replacing pure Hebrew words meaning "song praising Elohim.
Possibly a variant of hymenaios "wedding song," from Hymen, Greek god of marriage (see hymen), or from a PIE root *sam- "to sing" (cf. Hittite išhamai "he sings," Sanskrit saman- "hymn, song")
Of Course Islam another pagan religion surely bears the same pagan
fertility worship with the e-Aswat, Black Stone that is kissed at Mecca.
*Hebrew "shiyr". Simply leave out this blatantly pagan word "hymn" from
your vocabulary (appears only four times in corrupted "New
Testament" translation as Greek "humneo") use "song" of praise (Hebrew
"Humans (taxonomically, Homo sapiens) are the only extant members of the subtribe Hominina. They are characterized by erect posture and bipedal locomotion; high manual dexterity and heavy tool use compared to other animals".
As noted Wikipedia makes it clear that if you call yourself a human you are, by definition, accepting the heresy of evolution, that you are claiming to be just another animal and denying the scriptures which state Yahuah made man in his own image and that man (Adam) named all the animals. You are NOT an animal. We know that Nelson Mandela the so-called "Father of Human Rights" had further cemented this pagan idea into the world through his commisson by the Catholic church. Human Rights / Humanism have given man the "rights" to behave as humans ie animals and thus reject and rebel against Torah. Thus human rights by definition could simply be called animal rights. Human wanna-be's justify homosexuality simply because an odd male animal may "mate" with another male animal. They reject the creator's forbidding of homosexuality in MAN and that MAN is subject to and judged by To'rah while animals are not.
Ffom this pagan term human we get the next level up with the further perverted teaching of Humanism. see Dawkins-The Devil Delusion
*You are not a human but a man created in Yah'uah's image - use man, person, (Hebrew adam)
Comes from the Greek name "Iesous/IHSOUS" and Latin "Iesus." "Iesous" is adapted from the name of the Greek goddess of healing "Iesos/Iaso," the daughter of Apollo, the Sun-deity. This goddess was linked to the Egyptian "Isis" who had a son named "Isu."
the era of Roman Emperors, there were numerous worshippers of "Isis."
Many converted to Constantine's religion that mixed paganism with the
Messianic belief that eventually became the Roman Catholic Church. The
Roman Catholic Church continues to use the sunburst emblem known as the
"Eucharist" which to this day contains the Greek letters "IHS" for
"IHSOUS." Further research reveals that the name "Jesus" is also linked
to the Greek Sun-god "Zeus" who was the Greek interpretation of the
Egyptian Sun-god "Amen-Rah."
Pictured here is Esus. The latin form of "iesus" matches this name as
well especially now in English transliteration with a mere J added:
J-Esus. The false religion of Christianity has been
blamed for much unjustified war eg Crusades etc Is it any wonder?
Christianity is under the pagan name of Jesus, really J-Esus and not
Yah'ushua. Esus was a Gallic / Celtic "god" as described by
the Roman Historian Lucan in 1 AD meaning among other things "Lord"
(Baal). He was associated with the warring Roman "god" Mars. The 1711
discovery of the "Pillar of the Boatman" under Notre Dame cathedral
bearing the Esus inscription shows him with the
(Baal worship) behind him. In 1984 the "Lindow man" apparently showed
remains of a victim of a sacrifice to Esus. Victims were hung on a tree
stabbed and left to die. Their blood was then used in auguries. The
pagan concept of the trinity is again seen in this Celtic threesome:
Teutates, Esus, and Taranis. Julius Caesar refers to Esus as one of the
five common gods in the Celtic religion in his memoirs (Gallic Wars)
following his military campaigns and subsequent victory in the region.
Esus is referred to as the Roman god Mercury by Caesar which was
characteristic. It is clear that the corrupted name of the Son of
Elohim is convenient, being able to mould into many versions of other
pagan gods convenient for syncretists, whereas with his true biblical
Hebrew name it is not quite so easy.
Yahshua/Yahushua/Yahoshua, is the correct Name for the Savior. In all
spellings and pronunciation, the Name is rendered to mean "salvation of
YAH" or "YAH'S salvation/Savior." The Name in its fullest translation
means, "He (YAH) shall save His people from their sins," Matthew 1:21.
In the Strongs Greek concordance we are told Jesus means Justus or Just
in English. If this were so how does this fit in with his meaning we
just showed as declared in Mat 1:21? "just" is not mentioned in the
sentence. "soteria" means salvation in Greek so if
"iesous" meant salvation we should see the word "soteria" but we only
see "iesous" and then much later J-Esus. The pagan name Jesus was
a "perfect" corruption as it fits in with many pagan names previously
worshiped around the world. Thus we have many antiMashiaks (pw
antiChrists) as prophesied by Yah'ushua himself. For more on this see His
name, here you will see a
complete section dedicated to the names of Yah'uah and Yah'ushua.
is a pagan "god". "Germanic word meaning "noble birth," making a
king etymologically "one who descended from noble birth" (or "the
descendant of a DIVINE race"). So kings literally think they are "gods"
on earth. We can see how "King Jesus" would fit with the "Jesus god"
heresy. See Why Jesus is not God
Hebrew melek is better since we have Yahushua our Melek the Son of
Elohim (ruler not "king") and he is not a "god" or divine ( see
"Divine") he is the Son of Elohim.
still to be added
from the old English spelling of "Lard" which comes from "Lar/Larth
Lares," Estruscan and Roman deities associated with Sun-worship. The
Greek word "Kurios" was originally a title for the Greek and Roman
Sun-deity "Helios" and was called "The Kurios (Lord) of Heaven and
Earth." The Hindu god "Krishna" is also known as "Lord." The title
"Lord" was eventually applied to all heathen deities. Most Bible
translators continue to rebel and use the title "Lord" as a substitute
name for YHUH (Yah'uah).
* Men called upon the name of YHUH (Yah'uah) as in original, not "LORD"
as corrupted in the translation (Gen 4:26). This occurred as early as
Seth long before Abraham, Isaac Jacob or Moshe / Moses who also knew
his name which appears in the Hebrew manuscripts, This name is to be
known by His people throughout all generations. 1 Cor 8:5 admonishes
Yah'uah's people to know only the Father and no other "gods" or "lords."
For more see His
Luck and Fortune
are words that originate from the Sun-deity "Lucifer." Luck is the abbreviation of the name "Lucifer." The idea of having "Luck" and "Good Fortune" is unscriptural and points to belief in Gad, the Syrian/Canaanite deity of "Good Luck" or "Fortune."
65:11 But ye are they that forsake Yah'uah, that forget my set
apart (pagan word -holy) mountain, that prepare a table for that
troop(1408) , and that furnish the drink offering unto that number
1408 Gad gad a variation of 1409; Fortune, a Babylonian
deity:--that troop. see HEBREW for 01409
4507 Mniy men-ee' from 4487; the Apportioner, i.e. Fate (as an
idol):--number. see HEBREW for 04487
[ Also described as Destiny by some ]
* use "thankfully" instead of "fortunately" or "luckily"
"A number of Latin words indicate mercy: misereor, deprecor,
misericordia, misereo, benignitas, exoratio, objaceo and eleyson to
name a few.
Strangely enough, mercy doesn’t actually come from
these words, but rather comes from the word merces, which, in fact,
doesn’t mean mercy at all.
Merces is a Latin word that comes
from merx (merchandise) and means something along the lines of rent,
reward, salary, pay or bribe. It has everything to do with money, and
nothing to do with mercy. Hey, it makes sense for something like
mercenary, which do take money for their
services." (ref :
*use kindness or hebrew - chesed.
We see the KJV translation using this Catholic ( Babylonian) corruption in the following for example:
Zec 3:5 And I said, Let them set a fair mitre upon his head. So they set a fair mitre upon his head, and clothed him with garments. And the angel of the LORD stood by.
Hebrew : Strong's H6797
tsaw-neef', tsaw-nofe', tsaw-nee-faw'
From H6801; a head dress (that is, piece of cloth wrapped around): - diadem, hood, mitre
Of course the last meaning is incorrect
We then see it corrected in the MKJV
Zec 3:5 And I said, Let them set a clean turban on his head. And they set a clean turban on his head and clothed him with garments. And the Angel of Jehovah stood by.
course we know the mitre is a pagan invention and that it would be
absurd or near impossilbe to place a crown on top of a mitre Of
course the Catholic Church would want to syncretise their pagan Dagon
mitre into the bible to confuse it with the Torah commanded Priestly
turban and deceive many.
The definition of mitre is clearly outlined by the Oxford
a tall headdress worn by bishops and senior abbots as a symbol of office, tapering to a point at front and back with a deep cleft between.
is no mistake as to which head dress this is referring to. It is Dagon
(Dag=fish On=Sun) the fish god and sun worship, as worshiped by
Nimrod and the papacy with the Dagon / fish mouth mitre
etc (for more see Fish
1Ti 6:10 For the love of silver is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some, by longing for it, have strayed from the belief, and pierced themselves through with many pains.
The word "money" is not in original scripture but when the translation is changed to For the love of "money" is a root of all kinds of evil
the meaning directly refers to the love of a mighty one ( pw god or
godesss) this mighty one is called God or Gad or Meni (now called
Money) (see God)
The following is referenced from written by Soter Senior member with reference to the etymology of the word money
This “mon-“ in the word money is almost the same with “moon”. However, the learned etymologists mysteriously fail to go deeper than Juno Moneta to investigate any link between money and moon.
OED ( ):
money , … " from Moneta, a title or surname of the Roman goddess Juno, in or near whose temple money was coined; perhaps from monere "advise, warn" (see monitor[/URL] (n.)), with the sense of "admonishing goddess," which is sensible, but the etymology is difficult.
In OED the relation of moon and measuring (time) is mentioned as probable.
moon (n.)[/URL][I[/URL]] O.E. mona[/I], from P.Gmc. *menon- … from PIE *me(n)ses- "moon, month" …. Gk. mene "moon," men "month;" L. mensis "month;" O.C.S. meseci, … O.Ir. mi, Welsh mis, Bret. miz "month"), probably from root *me- "to measure," in reference to the moon's phases as the measure of time.
But measuring time is inseparable from keeping records of events, and this is the definition of memory (mneme, in Gr.). On the other hand, the relation between feminity and lunar phases is obvious and thus the association of moon with female goddesses like Juna, Gr. Hera, Hekate, etc. References on the lunar nature of Hera and Juno are found in this WP article . I can add that a prosonym of Hera was “silver-throned”
Juno is multiply connected to the moon via the calendae, menstruation, birth etc.
I suppose the people who worshiped Juno “Moneta” were mostly women anxious about their health and fertility, matters that could make the difference between a respected lady and a throw-away. Economic concerns were mostly men’s business and might have been secondary to an ancient lady.
We owe the etymology of moneo> Moneta to Cicero but modern scholars (or non-scholars) find the explanation of “warning goddess”>”(monetary system) supervisor goddess” as far-fetched and in OED is cited as “difficult”.
This is fair as a fool moon.
It is true that coinage was related to various temples (not only Juno’s) as the temples were also treasuries and safes for the various coinage and weight standards. This is something that the early christian fathers disliked. Ioannes Chrysostomus said that “the church is not a gold-smith’s or argyrokopeion”. (Patrologia Graeca, 58, 508).
The Greeks called the money “argyrion” (silver) (*a:entry+group=297:entry=a)rgu/rion) and the minting/coinage “argyrokopia” (lit. “cutting silver”):
Coinage was introduced to Rome late
(c. 3rd c. AD) from the Greek cities of South
Italy (
. Silver coins (denarius, sestertius) were the most widely used. Also,
the Greek silver coins were already known since classical times to the
Italians, and the Athenian silver drachma was still in use,
additionally as a weight standard.
coinage was strongly associated with silver in the material world. But
the origin of this "mon-" seems to be the Moon. Silver was and is
associated with the moon (as is gold with sun) in myth and magic.
Moreover, the meaning “coin” is related to “counting”, which also
points to the moon, through many biological and subconscious ways. The
association of moon (Gr. μην, men) with memory (Gr. mneme)
strongly support this. Therefore, the magico-religious association of
coinage with moon and moon-deities seems reasonable. The depiction of a
crescent on many ancient Greek and Roman coins may be tertiary in the
couple “coin-moon”. The most widely accepted silver drachma of Athens
had the owl and a small crescent on the one side.
After the above, do you find
reasonble that the etymology of money should include references to silver and
moon, at least as equally possible as the “warning”.
We conclude that money is clearly declared the g-o-d of this world "Meni" the mighty one of "Fortune" ie Gad / God (see God) the "Lord Moon" worshiped by the children of satan the mighty one of this world. When Mashiak (pw Messiah) said give to Caesar what is Caesars perhaps he was highlighting the idolatry of silver which prophetically would be called "money" in honour of Caesar's pagan mighty ones which are not mighty ones. Yah'uah's name has been changed to "God" the name for the universal mighty one of this world Money which the pagan "church system Babylon serves under the temptation of satan.
Names of Days and Months
On the Gregorian calendar are derived from Roman and Teutonic-Germanic names of pagan deities. The traditional Jewish calendar contains Babylonian names. Some even found their way into some of the scriptures due to scribes being corrupted while in captivity in Babylon for so many years. Since we do not follow traditions of Judaism or Babylon we encourage you to search out the pure names. The pure Hebrew naming of them by number eg day one (yom echad), day two, month 1, month 2 etc leaves out any need for babylonian influence. Day 7 is of course called "shabbat" and has no SUN worship attached as with SUNday. In fact Yah'uah makes it clear through Isaiah that there will be NO sun in the new shamayim (pw heaven) but that there will be the keeping of shabbat. It is clear that SUNday worship will be forever conquered and obliterated.
for more see Whose Calendar Do You Follow?
Obelisks, Spires, Steeple, Church Towers
All come from the pagan worship practices of Babylon and Egypt called Sun-pillars. These objects are shaped in various tall aspiring shapes appearing to reach up to the heavens. Ancient Babylon built Sun-pillars that held phallic (male genitalia) symbolism incorporated into their pagan worship. Egypt also built obelisks as part of their Sun-worship. Exodus 23:24 states that Yah'uah commanded the Israelites to break down these pillars. An obelisk or Sun-pillar still stands at the entrance of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome which was erected as a memorial to the merger of Sun-worship and the Messianic belief to become Rome's "universal" church or "universal worldwide religion." Church steeples, towers, and the Washington monument are modern day replicas of the original obelisks, which stood for Sun-worship.
word shalom is so much better than "peace" (based on compromise - pax
as occurred with Constantine). Yahuah's shalom comes when we are shalem
(complete) in him because we are no longer at enmity with Him and put
him first and obey him without compromise. Shalom is not as the world
would give it (Peace).
Joh 14:27 Shalom I leave with you, my shalom I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
see Dawkins - Devil DelusionQuirasse
as presented on
they state the following:
"After shave for men. Quirasse is a Latin word meaning the 'armor' that is normally worn to battle/war!"
something quite disturbing as usual with pagan SUNday
worshipers/christian cults. Besides making the Scottish kilt somehow a
sign of a follower of Mashiak (pw Messiah) which is These SUNday
worshipers of the Mighty Men Conference to which South African false
preacher Angus Buchan is associated not only present false information
here but nowehere commanded. Blue tassles are commanded to remember
To'rah not pagan kilts.
"quirasse" is not Latin at all although it would have made sense since
Latin is the language of Rome the language of the catholic SUNday
worship corruption of the scriptures. They would probalby like to use
it. "Cuirass" in French
not Latin refers to armor. However "Quirasse" is Portuguese and
it means "wanted". So the man who wears it is actually saying "wanted",
wanted by whom is the question and perhaps the answer can be revealed?
In Portuguese this word is pronounced kirasse but in Latin the qui
would be pornounced kwi as in English. So the question is, have they
done this intentionally to make the word sound like something which
matches the Urban dictionary since that is what you might have
pronounced without realising it? Is this a joke or an intentional sick
pagan blasphemy in sexual immorality.
It is claimed "That the word "harpazo" in the Greek translates to mean rapture in English. But what does Strong's concordance say
From a derivative of G138; to seize (in various applications): -
catch (away, up), pluck, pull, take (by force).
The etyomology of "Rapture" however is: c. 1600, "act of carrying
off," from Middle French rapture, from Medieval Latin raptura "seizure,
rape, kidnapping," from Latin raptus "a carrying off, abduction,
snatching away; rape" (see rapt)." Earliest attested use in
English is of women and in 17c. it sometimes meant rape (v.), which
word is a cognate of this. Sense of "spiritual ecstasy, state of mental
transport" first recorded c. 1600 (raptures).
Etymology rape (v.):
late 14c., "seize prey; abduct, take by force," from rape (n.) and from Anglo-French raper (Old French rapir) "to seize, abduct," a legal term, probably from past participle of Latin rapere "seize, carry off by force, abduct" (see rapid).
Latin rapere was used for
"sexually violate," but only very rarely; the usual Latin word being
stuprare "to defile, ravish, violate," related to stuprum (n.),
literally "disgrace." Meaning "to abduct (a woman), ravish;" also
"seduce (a man)" is from early 15c. in English. Related: Raped; raping.
Uncertain connection to Low German and Dutch rapen in the same sense.
It can be seen how close the word rapture is to rape something that the
demons committed against women on earth before the flood. It is clear
that rapture is a "counterfeit".
The scripture does NOT USE RAPTURE so why use it???
2Co 12:2 I knew a man in Mashiak above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: Elohim knoweth;) such an one caught up to the third shamayim (pw heaven).
2Co 12:4 How that he was caught up (harpazō) into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter.
1Th 4:17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up (harpazō) together with them in the clouds, to meet Yahushua in the air: and so shall we ever be with Yahushua.
Use Hebrew awlaw - ascend, or use caught up.
For more see our article Getting Caught Up With Rapture Heresy
Rite of Passage
"Anthropologically and historically, secret societies have been
deeply interlinked with the concept of the Männerbund, the all-male
"warrior-band" or "warrior-society" of pre-modern cultures (see H.
Schurtz, Alterklassen und Männerbünde, Berlin, 1902; A. Van
Gennep, The Rites of Passage,
Chicago, 1960)." We must not forget that the Catholic Church is also
has a name "Latin Rites" Church
This paganism is again seen in the Mighty Men Website, complete
with pagan rune symbols and Sun worship. The T-shaped rune that looks
like an up arrow takes its name from the the pagan deity Tyr (Tiu
Tiw) - same deity used in the pagan Gregorian calendar for Tuesday).
The call to invoke Tyr is often thought to have something to do with T-runes. They explain this unbiblical ceremony. The warrior theme is clearly represented with the sword. Here is a quote:
"As a Christian, this day is celebrated by praying a blessing over the young man`s life.
For a Mighty Man it is the handing over of a ceremonial sword as a symbol
of his son becoming a man."

If you know anything about pagan runic charms of Norse mythology then you will know the significance of this sword.
One charm invokes the god Týr:
'You must know victory-runes
if you want to know victory. Carve them
into your sword's hilt, on the blade guards
and the blades, invoking Tyr's name twice.'
Jeramy Dodds translation[23] wikipedia
This sword is absolute paganism and has nothing to do with scripture.
They also state:
"People have different ways of receiving and giving love.
There are five “love languages”. They are: words of affirmation; physical touch; quality time together; acts of serving others; gifts.
There is no right or wrong
about which of these languages means the most to a particular person.
We are all made the way we are and all respond differently to these
areas. Keep this in mind and when you find the other person's main
“love language”, the relationship goes much better!"
This of course is not what scripture teaches. For instance a focus on gifts is what the material prosperity "gospel" determines as love rather than obeying Yah'uah.
1Jn 5:3 For this is the love of Elohim, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous.
Sacred / Sacraments/ Sacred
from the word "Sakra" pertaining to the Persian/Roman god "Mithra/
Mithras." "Sakra/Mithra/Mithras" became the Sun-deity called "Sol
Invictus," the unconquered Sun-deity. "Sol Invictus" remains in the
Roman Catholic Church today. Nelson Mandela a Methodist, but Catholic
agent nonetheless, seen here taking the pagan sacraments, (not
allowed unless one is a Catholic by catholic canon). Mandela does not
quote from atheist William Ernest Henley's Invictus
poem for nothing "I
thank whatever gods may be / For my unconquerable soul. / I am the
master of my fate / I am the captain of my soul." So too is the name
Invictus given to the movie based on him. He is clearly a Sol
Invictus worshiper. Yah'ushua was clearly not the captain of his soul
neither Yah'uah but rather "whatever gods" there are and the main "god"
being "I" or himself.
The word sacred does not appear in the KJV however in the the Modern
KJV (MKJV) it appears twice showing further corruption. There is no
such thing as a Sacred Name either, Yah'uah's name has nothing to do
with "sacred" his name is set apart (qodesh) from pagan "Sakra".
*Rather use "pure" or "set apart" or Hebrew "qodesh"
Comes from the Latin word "sanctus" which comes from the Greek word "sancus" used expressly for the Greek Sun-god "Apollo." The catholics often replace the word "purified" with this pagan "sanctified" in their translations allowing them to further pollute the word "purify" with their purgatory heresy (from purgare - Latin to purify)- in this purgatory one receives a second chance in a fable land to be purified. The rapture and left behind heresy is similar in promoting a fabled second chance after a resurrection or death when there is no such second chance to be purified after this life.
* Kodesh is the Hebrew word for "seperately-ordained" pertaining to the
things of Yah'uah, including His invisible presence. Purified is
also acceptable but kodesh
specifically refers to being purified by Yah'uah not by the "church".
Hence Shabbat (the seventh day ordained) is the sign of this, that it
is the Creator who purifies us.
probably from sanctus see Sanctified.
*use hebrew miqdâsh (mik-dawsh) / miqqedâsh (mik-dawsh)
/ "separately ordained place" / "purified place"/ "palace".
Sacrifice, Sacrilege, Sacrament.
all words derived from the word "Sakra" that pertains to the Persian
and Roman god "Mithra/Mithras" who became the Sun-deity called "Sol
Invictus" which remains in the Roman Catholic Church even today. "Sol
Invictus" was recently further popularised through the agent of the
catholic church Nelson Mandela. Sacrifice means "rob." Sacrilege and
Sacrament do not appear in the Greek manuscripts.
* Atonement, Offer,
Offering are words that can be used without reference to pagan worship
and falsehood.
Sin was a place in Egypt but more revealing, according to Wikipedia:
"Sīn /ˈsiːn/ or Suen (Akkadian) or Nanna (Sumerian) was the god of the moon deity, the son of in the Mesopotamian religions of Akkad, Assyria and Babylonia. Nanna is a SumerianEnlil and Ninlil, and became identified with the Semitic Sīn. The two chief seats of Nanna's/Sīn's worship were Ur in the south of Mesopotamia and Harran in the north. A moon god by the same name was also worshipped in South Arabia.
Sīn was also a protector of shepherds. During the period in which Ur exercised supremacy over the Euphrates valley (between 2600 and 2400 BC), Sīn was considered the supreme god. It was then that he was designated as "father of the gods", "head of the gods" or "creator of all things".
Sīn was also called "He whose heart can not be read" and was told that "he could see farther than all the gods". It is said that every new moon, the gods gather together from him to make predictions about the future."
Although this corrupted word has found its way into the English translation it could be interpreted as an ironic manifestation of the true level of transgression. When one loves their "sin" could then be interpreted as one who loves their false mighty one (moon "god") ie idol which is probably the very one that Abram ( later Abraham) turned away from to follow the true Elohim Yahuah. We know that the Catholic "church" and "christianity" is syncretised and turned toward moon worship. It is not the religion of Abraham, Jacob, Isaac and the Mashiak Yahushua who serve the living Elohim Yahuah (יהוה). This would ironically make the man of "sin" (perdition) referring to the head of the Vatican all the more clearly defined.
2Th_2:3 Let not anyone deceive you by any means. For that Day shall not come unless there first comes a falling away, and the man of sin (offence) shall be revealed, the son of perdition.
The Islamic religion also worshipped and worships the pre-islamic god of the moon Sin today through syncretism. The Catholic church constructed the Islamic religion through Augustine according to various claims hence the moon connection.
*transgress /transgressor/transgression/offence/offend are better words. Hebrew :khaw-taw
Was the day set aside in the Mithra (Roman) cult as its official day to assemble together to worship its Sun-deity. Roman Emperor Constantine legislated Sun-day as a day of rest dedicated to the Greek and Roman Sun-god, Helios. Constantine worshiped "Christos Helios" which means "Christ-The-True-Sun." The Roman Catholic Church venerates Sun-day as its Sabbath even today, and has handed it down to Christianity. For more on this see Constantine Exposed
* Shabbat/Sabbath is the Hebrew word pertaining to Yah'uah's 7th day of
rest. It is the 4th Commandment (Exodus 29:8-11), and a sign for all
Israelite generations (descendants) found in Exodus 30:13 & 17,
Ezekiel 20:12 & 20 This includes all
believers (the stranger as well) who are
joined to Yah'uah in covenant through Yah'ushua who has been appointed
as master of the sabbath and thus the 7th day sabbath remains
for the people of Elohim [Heb 4:9 rest (Greek)=sabatismos-literally
sabbath day keeping]. It will be kept even in the New Jerusalem by all
believers in covenant with Yah'uah. It is not merely a "Jewish custom"
since Moses and his people were not Jews when they kept sabbath in the
Testify / Testimony/ Testament / New Testament
Comes from the Latin word testicle. "In ancient Rome, two men taking an oath of allegiance held each other's testicles, and men held their own testicles as a sign of truthfulness while bearing witness in a public forum." ( The psychologist here justifies this behaviour by relating men to apes. No wonder Shimon ( Simon Peter) said
II Peter 2:12 But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption;
The scripture does not refer to any such practice contrary to some To'rahless interpretations gathered from :
Gen 47:29 And the time drew nigh that Israel must die: and he called his son Joseph, and said unto him, If now I have found favour (pw grace) in thy sight, put, I pray thee, thy hand under my thigh, and deal kindly and truly with me; bury me not, I pray thee, in Egypt:
yarek yaw-rake' from an unused root meaning to be soft; the thigh (from
its fleshy softness); by euphemism. the generative parts; figuratively,
a shank, flank, side:--X
body, loins, shaft, side, thigh.
To'rah forbids such a thing, To'rah is not for primates (apes) but sons
and daughters of Yah'uah made in His image, not brute beasts.
Lev 18:7 The nakedness of thy father, or the nakedness of thy mother, shalt thou not uncover:
Joseph simply asked his son to deal kindly and asked him to promise
which he did by placing his hand under his thigh joint not grab his
testicles! Joseph then died and the promise was kept.
The same word is used here and it shows how ridiculous it would be to
suggest an out of joint testicle!
Gen32: 25 And when he saw that he prevailed not against him, he touched the hollow of his thigh; and the hollow of Jacob’s thigh was out of joint, as he wrestled with him.
or even what about:
Gen 32:31 And as he passed over Penuel the sun rose upon him, and he halted upon his thigh.
Ex25:31 And thou shalt make a candlestick of pure gold: of beaten work shall the candlestick be made: his shaft, and his branches, his bowls, his knops, and his flowers, shall be of the same.
Judges 3:21 And Ehud put forth his left hand, and took the dagger from his right thigh, and thrust it into his belly:
We see the same with Abraham asking his servant to make an oath.
Gen 24:2 And Abraham said unto his eldest servant of his house, that ruled over all that he had, Put, I pray thee, thy hand under my thigh:
It is more likely that the Romans invented the perverse idea from their pagan To'rahless approach to the scriptures and corrupted it as with their other pagan terms and ideas that we cover on this page (eg Easter, Christmass etc). No wonder there is so much pedophilia in the Roman catholic thing called "church" - it could always be explained by a sick perversion of the scriptures in making a so-called oath with a young boy perhaps!!!
One dare not think what twisted To'rahless thing they will make of Mashiak (pw Messiah) here:
Rev 19:16 And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND MASTER (pw LORD) OF MASTERS (pw LORDS)
Perhaps they would blaspheme and suggest a tattoo which is also forbidden in the To'rah, no matter where it is on the body!??
As we see the words testament, testimony or testify are nowhere mentioned within these two accounts with Joseph and Abraham. An oath (Hebrew shebuah) and a swearing (shaba) are made. There is no link to testicles here which should be expected if it were meant to be linked since Hebrew is all about linking to a root idea or root word. The word testicles is not Hebrew in the first place neither is testimony, testify or testament!
When it is the private parts then Hebrew mabush (pudenda) is used. No need for confusion it is clear!
Deut 25:11-12 When men strive together one with another, and the wife of the one draweth near for to deliver her husband out of the hand of him that smiteth him, and putteth forth her hand, and taketh him by the secrets (Heb mabush -pudenda): Then thou shalt cut off her hand, thine eye shall not pity her.
* For testify use Hebrew: anah (shout out, sing out) or English : declare witness, declaration, for testament - Will / Covenant
Vatican / Vaticanus
In ancient Roman religion, Vagitanus or Vaticanus
was one of a number of childbirth deities who influenced or guided some
aspect of parturition, in this
instance the newborn's crying.(Wikipedia) Rome continues to cling to
its pantheon of pagan gods.
"Vati" is latin for prophet or soothsayer and "canus" for old or aged.
So the Pope is the old soothsayer or old false prophet (much like
satan) tempting and leading the sheep astray from Yah'uah's To'rah.
Furthermore Vaticanus/ Vagitanus is clearly meant to refer to another
pagan "god" as mentioned by Augustine himself "Augustine mentions
Vagitanus/Vaticanus three times in Book 4 On
the City of God in deriding the "mob" of Roman gods (turba
deorum). In demonstrating that the names of gods reveal their
function, he points to Vaticanus, "who presides over the cries (vagitibus)
of infants," noting elsewhere that among the many deities associated
with childbirth, Vaticanus is the one who opens the mouth of the
newborn in crying (in vagitu).
This pagan god,
soothesaying demon is the counterpart to the true Word (To'rah)
over which Yah'uah Elohim is Master in a true believer.
Deut 30:14 But the word (To'rah) is very nigh unto thee, in thy mouth, and in thy heart, that thou mayest do it.
Much soothsaying under the control of demons is done to teach that one cannot keep the commandments of Yah'uah once one has been justified by the blood of Mashiak ( pw Messiah) and one can thus continue sinning. Preachers secretly serving the Vatican go so far as to say a believer who tries to keep the commandments of "God" (Elohim) cannot receive his baruch (pw blessing) See Joseph Prince He Who Curses. This is coming from the "charis"matic branch of the Vaticanus spirit and so-called "Living Word" movement or "Word of Faith" movement ( see charis or grace above) thus Kenneth Copeland a "Word of Faith" soothsayer clearly tries to unite the deceived under his SUNday worship "god" the Vaticanus who he worships and serves. Andrew Womack (has a ministry entitled "charis") He states
“if you have made Jesus your Lord,
you've become a new creature, and sin
is no longer an issue between you and God”
Scripture judges Womack's charis spirit to be a lying spirit:
II Peter 2:14
Having eyes full of adultery, and that cannot cease from sin;
beguiling unstable souls: an heart they have exercised with covetous
practices; cursed
Cor 6: 9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the
rule and reign (pw kingdom) of Elohim (pw God)? Be not deceived:
neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor
abusers of themselves with mankind, 10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor
drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the rule and
reign (pw kingdom) of Elohim (pw God) .
The Vaticanus spirit in addition provides confession to a priest which may include a few Hail Mary's etc etc and then allows the sinner to continue sinning (transgressing To'rah) contrary to scripture. What is considered sin is often what the Vaticanus spirit deems sin eg the catholic church sees keeping the sabbath (seventh day) in accordance with Yah'uah's To'rah A SIN and many were killed or persecuted by the Vatican in the past for keeping it. This persecution for obeying Yah'uah rather than the Pope continues today in various forms around the world.
Referring to the Prophecy of Daniel, Isaac Newton confirms the eleventh horn of Daniel's fourth Beast as the Church of Rome and emphasises this Prophetic nature which we have revealed by exposing its very title "Vaticanus".
"...a kingdom of a different kind from the other ten kingdoms, having a life or soul peculiar to itself, with eyes and a mouth. By its eyes it was a Seer ; and by its mouth speaking great things and changing times and laws, it was a prophet as well as a King. And such a Seer, a Prophet and a King, is the Church of ROME. A Seer, ἐπίσκοπος, is a Bishop in the literal sense of the word ; and this Church claims the universal Bishoprick. With his mouth he gives laws to kings and nations as an Oracle ; and pretends to Infallibility, and that his dictates are binding to the whole world ; which is to be a Prophet in the highest degree."
(ref Daniel
And The Apocalypse, Isaac Newton pg 188)
"Victory" [Nike]) was a goddess who personified victory. Her Roman equivalent was Victoria. "V for Victory" is often used in church eg Alph Lukau ( one of the richest pastors in the world) recently used this at the beginning of his video titled "Speak to Your Altar." This is pagan idolatry to pagan deity Victory /Victoria. See how Alph Lukau (probably "richest pastor in the world" ) worships Victoria in "church". The alternative Greek name Nike is probably referenced in the term Nicolaitans, their deeds in the false assemblies which Yahushua refers to in Revelations and which he hates.
The modern Nicolaitans in the world today show who they worship in Nike (Victory).
Use Hebrew teshua (tesh-oo-aw) deliverance, help, safety, salvation.