Last Update M01 D13 2024 (as per the
pagan Gregorian calendar)
Do you follow the pagan Catholic Pope Gregory Calendar
invented 1582 years after Yah'ushua (pw Jesus) or do you
follow Yah'uah's (pw the LORD's) calendar written thousands of years
even before Yah'ushua? Elohim's (pw God's) calendar commands us to keep
shabbat, and appointed times.
Do you instead worship SUNday, Easter
and Christmas calendar days filled with veneration of Catholic saints??
Even Hindus celebrate Christ Mass and so do atheists like Richard
Dawkins (Dawkins-The Devil Delusion). None of
these are commanded and are abominations. In fact the pope sings to
Lucifer on his pagan Easter day. (Pope Sings To Lucifer)
times of the Birth and Passion of CHRIST, with such like
niceties, being not material to religion, were little regarded by the
CHRISTIANS of the first age. They who began first to celebrate them,
placed them in the cardinal periods of the year ; as the annunciation
of the Virgin MARY, on the 25th of MARCH, which when JULIUS CJESAR
corrected the Calendar was the vernal Equinox ; the feast of JOHN
Baptist on the 24th of JUNE, which was the summer Solstice ; the
feast of St. MICHAEL on SEPT. 29, which was the autumnal Equinox, and
the birth of CHRIST on the winter Solstice, DECEMB. 25, with the
feasts of St. STEPHEN, St. JOHN and the INNOCENTS, as near it as they
could place them. And because the Solstice in time removed from the
25th of DECEMBER to the 24th, the 23d, the 22d, and so on backwards,
hence some in the following centuries placed the birth of CHRIST on
DECEMB. 23, and at length on DECEMB. 20 : and for the same reason
they seem to have set the feast of St. THOMAS on DECEMB. 21, and that
of St. MATTHEW on SEPT. 21. So also at the entrance of the Sun into
all the signs in the JULIAN Calendar, they placed the days of other
Saints ; as the conversion of PAUL on JAN. 25, when the Sun entred
AQUARIUS ; St. MATHIAS on FEB. 25, when he entred PISCES ; St. MARK
on APR. 25, when he entred TAURUS ; CORPUS CHRISTI on May 26, when he
entred GEMINI ; St. JAMES on JULY 25, when he entred CANCER ; St.
BARTHOLOMEW on AUG. 24, when he entred VIRGO ; SIMON and JUDE on
OCTOB. 28, when he entred SCORPIO : and if there 235 236 OBSERVATIONS
UPON THE [PART i were any other remarkable days in the JULIAN
Calendar, they placed the Saints upon them, as St. BARNABAS on JUNE
11, where OVID seems to place the feast of VESTA and FORTUNA, and the
goddess MATUTA ; and St. PHILIP and JAMES on the first of MAY, a day
dedicated both to the BONA DEA, or MAGNA MATER, and to the goddess
FLORA, and still celebrated with her rites. All which shews that
these days were fixed in the first CHRISTIAN Calendars by
Mathematicians at pleasure, without any ground in tradition ; and
that the CHRISTIANS after wards took up with what they found in the
Sir Isaac Newton's Daniel And the Apocalypse CHAPTER XI
Now that you know what pagan calendar you have been following you have
no excuse to turn from it and folllow the commanded calendar of our
above calendar is set according to Yahuah's commands as to when
the year begins - Abib (ripe barley) and according to the new
as per scripture and shows the corresponding pagan Pope calendar that
the whole world erroneously follows.
Roman Catholic Church and their man of perdition, the pope has done
exaclty what Jeroboam did. He invented his ownfeast days to celebrate
Jeroboam built Shechem in mount Ephraim and lived in it, and went out
from there and built Penuel. And Jeroboam said in his heart, Now the
kingdom shall return to the house of David! If this people go up to do
offering (pw sacrifice) in the house of Jehovah at Jerusalem, then
shall the heart of this people turn again to their master (pw lord), to
Rehoboam king of Judah, and they shall kill me and go again to Rehoboam
king of Judah. And the king took counsel, and made two calves of gold
and said to them, It is too much for you to go up to Jerusalem. Behold
your mighty ones (pw gods), O, Israel, who brought you up out of the
land of Egypt! And he set the one in Bethel, and he put the other in
Dan. And this thing became a Torah transgression (pw sin), for the
people went to worship before the one, even to Dan. And he made a house
of high places, and made priests of the lowest of the people, who were
not the sons of Levi. And Jeroboam ordered a feast in the eighth month,
on the fifteenth day of the month, like the feast that is in Judah. And
he offered on the altar. So he did in Bethel, offering (pw sacrificing)
to the calves that he had made. And he placed in Bethel the priests of
the high places which he had made. And he offered on the altar which he
had made in Bethel the fifteenth day of the eighth month, in the month which he had devised
out of his own heart. And he ordered a feast for the sons
of Israel. And he offered on the altar, and burned incense.
(1Ki 12:25-33)
Learn to follow Yah'uah's
What feast or
appointed time do we see still being kept in the last days when there
is famine in
the world?
Will it be Christ Mass or Hannukah or Easter,
Halloween or any other pagan festival not in the scriptures? NO! It wil be Sukkot (feast of
tabernacles) at
Yarushalom (Jerusalem) NOT Rome. So no mattter how the pope has
tried to make all roads
lead to himself through his pagan globally deceptive Gregorian calendar
and his pagan icon Christ Mass, those who do not come up to the House
of Yah'uah at Yarushalom for sukkot will die of famine, a final blow to
those who reject his To'rah and use an excuse that it is "Jewish" and
instead keep the Graeco-Roman law of the fake papa and his fake Messiah
J-Zeus /J-Esus. Salvation is not through the catholic gentilis
(gentile/heathen) church ! Salvation is not Christian, it is not Jewish
either. It is of the Yah'udim (worshipers of Yah(uah)). The Word Jew
is a fake word by the catholic translators corrupting the word Yahudim.
Mashiak ( pw Messiah)
Yah'ushua says:
Mat 4:22 Ye worship ye
know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the
YAH'UDIM (worshipers of Yah'uah, not Jews, no such word existed then).
Warning to those who refuse to keep Yah'uah's
appointed feasts:
14:17 And it shall be,
that whoso will not come up of all the families of the earth unto
Jerusalem to worship the King, the Master (pw Lord) Yah'uah (pw the
LORD) of hosts, even upon them shall be no rain.
And if the
family of Egypt go not up, and come not, that have no rain; there
shall be the plague, wherewith the Master (pw Lord) Yah'uah (pw the
LORD) will smite the heathen (gentilis /gentiles) that come not up to
keep the feast of
This shall be
the punishment of Egypt, and the punishment of all
nations that come
not up to keep the feast of tabernacles (sukkot).
The Catholic Church (and those who kept her pagan ways eg
Martin Luther etc) fulfilled the prophecy of
Daniel so why do you wish to follow their wicked calendar which seeks
to defy his commands when it comes to following Yah'uah's
appointed times??
( Name means: Judgement of El(ohim)
And he shall
speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the
saints [by amongst other things removing seventh day sabbath rest] of
the most High, and
think to change times and laws: and they
shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing
of time.
Rev 12: 9 And
the great
dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan,
which deceiveth
the whole world:
the whole world has been deceived by the global internationally
accepted Gregorian Calendar
trying to replace the calendar of Yahuah. It is ironic that even
atheists who claim to not follow religion are being led by the biggest
false religion in the world as they daily follow his calender and
probably even celebrate so-called New' Year's Day on 1 January ( pagan
Janus day)
The calendar of Yahuah Elohim
is determined by Abib, barley harvest, new moon and sabbath days
etc The vatican however installed its own calendar so as to make
a fixed SUNday worship for Eostre , pagan fertility Easter Sun worship
festival and to corrupt the To'rah of Yah'uah.
Shaul (Paul) was not a Catholic and also kept the appointed feasts of
Yah'uah even to the point of cutting his visit short. Shaul was using
which calendar??
18: 20 When they
desired him to tarry longer time with them, he consented not;
21 But bade them
farewell, saying, I must by all means keep this feast that cometh in
Jerusalem: but I will return again unto you, if Elohim (pw God) will.
And he sailed from Ephesus.
Messiah) KEPT
THEM. He DID NOT tell us to keep the "papa's" (pope's)
commandments or
pagan feasts. The pope is not
your Father.
15:10 If ye
keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept
my Father’s commandments, and abide in his love.
The following is a three part presentation by 119 Ministries - we do
not necessarily hold to all of their teaching eg using the pagan title
"God" instead of Yahuah or pagan "Jesus" instead of Yahushua but you
will find this helpful in understanding how to correctly calculate the
appointed days (moedim) of Yahuah such as Sukkot (feast of tabernacles)
etc. They have received sufficient feedback to say that the debate is
over on how to solve the confusion and begin to follow the true
Calendar of Yahuah. We pray that you too will see the light.