"I am not Jewish, I don't keep Torah"
post: 26-11-19 , updated: 01-01-20, pw=pagan word]
are two things wrong with this statement.
The word Jew is not in the bible - the correct word is Yahudi or Yahudim (plural). The word Jew is a later derogatory contraction of this original word in scripture.
It is similar to another
derogatory word,
Chrestos (Christian), falsely applied to disciples/talmidim of Mashiak
Yahushua (pw Messiah Jesus).
however refers to pagan cultists which existed before the Mashiak and
bowed to pagan crosses. It was first used by a heathen and never ever
used by
any of the disciples in scripture. (see Do You Really Want to be Called a Christian )
Similarly today the word
Jew has
been falsely ascribed
to people of Yahuah who keep his law / commandments (Torah) and the
prophets. However in
general the irony is that Jews are mainly secular or mostly follow the
abomination called
Judaism which corrupts Torah with tradition (takanot) and occult
practices. A Jew usually
does not proclaim the name Yahuah but rather a vain (fat zero) title
: Ha'shem "the name".
So both the terms Christians and Jews generally refer to man made descriptions or perceptions. They are not original Hebrew words of scripture nor ordained by Yahuah. These are generally steeped in man made doctrines which make Torah void as was the complaint of Yahushua with the scribes and Pharisees of his day, they were making his Father's Torah void.
Now you would of course know that Mashiak Yahushua was a Yahudi, he did
worship his Elohim Yahuah
So what did Yahushua the
Yahudi said to the heathen Samaritan? :
23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
24 Elohim is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth
This verse
makes no sense when the modern altered word "Jew" is used. But
when the proper Hebrew word "Yahudim" is used it is a wonderful and
meaningful play on words.
I myself am not a Jew but a Yahudi, like Mashiak Yahushua.
How about you?
You can only be one
or the other, a Yahudi (worshiper of Yah) or a Goy (heathen,
corpse or gentilis the Catholic Roman Vulgate
invention >>gentile).
The Samaritan
woman that Yah'ushua spoke to here in John 4 was a heathen, a
worshiper of something other than Yahuah.
you are catholic then you would think that the house of Gentilis is the
house of G-O-D (gawd/ gott pagan mighty one) and you might think that
"Jews" must come to the Papa pope and acknowledge his
icons eg Trinity, Christ mass (
Christ depart ritual) Easter Eostre etc and break To'rah
just like Christians. This would be a double spiritual death, they
would be twice the child of gehinnom ( pw hell). The movement Jews for
Jesus (Jzeus) does exactly this. They move a person from one Torahless
religion to another in the name of a Torahless Graeco-Roman idol
Jzeus. (see His
the house of Elohim is of Yahudim (worshipers of Yahuah) who obey his
To'rah commands, accept Yahushua as his Son ( not another "god" )
(see Why
Jesus is not God ) - and they keep Yahuahs'
mo'edim set apart days and feasts. See Whose Calendar Do You Follow?
you believe in a three flock syndrome- Jews, Gentiles and heathens.
This "whosoever will" universalist teaching allows for the
Torahless to enter shamayim (pw heaven) contrary to scripture. See TD
Jakes teaching this heresy in our expose.
There is only one flock
of sheep and the goats are destroyed.
*you who are
called ie -Yahudim -worshipers of that one Yah
*emunah - one
moral conviction (pw faith -goddess)
is only one flock in the citizenship (Eph2:12) of spiritual Israel (
and it
consists of Yahudim (Yah worshipers alone- obeyers of Yahuah)
shall be one law for the stranger (a converted heathen ) who has joined
himself to Yahudim and the same law for the Yahudim and one law for the
lost sheep of Israel who return to the flock of the true shepherd and
obey his voice and his Father's
A Yahudi has
the commandments upon the heart. He obeys Yahuah
who sees the heart. He does
not have a form (appearance) of Yah-likeness (pw
godliness) in the
presence of men, religious institutions only ("church" written in
letter upon some creed or
"christening certificate") while denying or
contradicting the power of
Yahuah by thinking he can secretly not keep To'rah. He does not think
he can remould Yahuah's Torah to fit in with his own
preferences. It is not a DIY religion. Elohim is not blind, he is
not a man. (see Why
Jesus is not God )
Yah is all
powerful he can see all, even to the heart.
So let us
worship in spirit and in TRUTH let us not be "Jewish" but
Yahudim, worshipers of
Yahuah in spirit and in truth. Let us obey in truth and
with the right
King David, a Yahudi ( true worshiper of Yah) prays:
Ps51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O Elohim; and renew a right spirit within me.
Torah has not been done away
with since there are no Christians
or Jews. There can only be Yahudim who keep Torah. The so-called New
Testament, better understood as the Renewed Covenant of the
Everlasting Covenant made with Abram is founded upon Torah and the
Renewed Covenant confirmed by Yahushua's blood shows that every one of
the ten commandments still remain in line with Yahushua, the Yahudi
Mashiak's own words. In fact all of the applicable Torah remains.
Mat 5:17 Think
not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come
to destroy, but to fulfil. (cram full)
See Ten Commandments Apply Today, Not Abolished, Especially 7th Day Sabbath