...from filthy rags to righteous fruit

Did the Catholic Church Write The Bible?

Torahless Pope - Prophesied By Daniel

This article first published 22/June/21

[pw = pagan word]

Daniel's Prophecy

Thousands of years prior to the Vatican Daniel prophesied a three pronged attack against Yahuah and his people that would come.

Dan 7:25  And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall (1) wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change (2)times and (3)laws (torah)...

(1) Vatican Wears Out The Saints of Yahuah

One does not need to go over the atrocities of the Vatican who persecuted, tortured and killed those who stood for what the Vatican called Heresy , obeying the Torah of Yahuah. They still do, speaking lies and saying there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church.

(2) Vatican Changes Yahuah's Law

Just looking at  the most basic foundations of Yahuah's torah , the ten commandments it is not hard to see the pope is the man of perdition spoken of in scripture thinking to usurp the torah of Yahuah.

(3) Vatican Changes Yahuah's Appointed Times

Yahuah's Appointed times 1582 Years after Yahushua ( pw Jesus)

 the Vatican under Pope Gregory devised their own calendar filled with pagan festivals to usurp the appointed times ( Hebrew- moedim) of Yahuah.

this opposes the apostle Shaul (Paul) of the early assembly of believers who was still keeping the moedim of Yahuah,

Acts 18:21 ...I must by all means keep this feast that cometh in Jerusalem:...

The Vatican further invented 1 January, in honor of their pagan two headed god Janus, as the start of their pagan solar calendar. This directly opposes Yahuah who has commanded when the beginning of months shall be. It is Abib a period much later than that,  when the barley is ripe.

Which time / or appointed feast day (moed) in the last days will be used as punishment for those who come against Israel ( the true Elohim and true  believers who obey his Torah)  ? If they do not keep this feast they will not receive rain.

Which will it be?

A) Christ Mass (Mithra Day) in Rome
B) Easter (fertility goddess Ishtar) in Rome
C) Halloween (necromancy) in Rome
D) SUNday (Sun worship) in Rome
E) Sukkot (feast of tabernacles) in Jerusalem

The answer can be found in our article Whose Calendar Do you Follow?  which shows how the Vatican has indeed tried to change the appointed times of Yahuah and what is in store for those who think all roads lead to Rome.

Vatican Cover Up

We notice how the Vatican has tried to cover up the fact that they are not the Antichrist prophesied. They try to make out that the antichrist is a historic character long dead, Nero. We know the scriptures said the Antichrist will be around in the end times and is a religiopolitcal system  that tries to change the very laws of Yahuah and his appointed times ( calendar). Nero does not even come close to such a person or system. National Geographics tries to promote such an idea without presenting the true scriptural evidence. The following is taken from the very misleading "The Story of God" series.


The Vatican has indeed fulfilled both conditions of Daniel's prophecy - changing Yahuah's law (Torah) and his times (appointed feasts) and the world indeed follows these pagan feasts in the globally accepted pagan Gregorian Calendar as well as the pagan times - the pope's SUNday replacing Yahuah' shabbat etc. The Vatican thus does the work of Satan.

Rev 12:9  And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

Yes even the so-called Protestants have been deluded and there never has really been any reformation as the whole of pagan cult of Christianity (Do You Really Want to be Called a Christian)   has bowed to Rome's torahless system - Babylon (religious confusion). The Vatican continues to challenge Yahuah's law now even making stealing justified in their recent written encyclical which aims to make this a globally acceptable law. Anathema to those who oppose the Torah of Yahuah and do not repent.

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